Saturday, 9 October 2010

Wedding Fair News

Wedding Fayre News

One of the best ways to spend a rainy Sunday! There are always Wedding Fayres you can visit and take some relaxed time to think about planning your big day. Tankersley Manor, originally a 17th Century Manor House situated just off the M1 just 20minutes from Sheffield and stands in an imposing position in its own grounds with ample car parking for its hotel guests, conferences , fairs and special events.

Wedding Fayre - 19th September 2010
It was great to meet you all and to get another chance to chat to some of our 2011 couples we signed up earlier this year.

There were as many as 7 competing photographers on the day, providing a huge choice in terms of photography style and price. This is always considered a good thing for consumers, in this case wedding couples who really need to get to grips with exactly what they can expect to receive for their outlay.
There is no doubt that second only to the cost of venue itself, photography is a major expense and needs some time and consideration.
From the many enquiries we receive both directly from our website and also from wedding fayres themselves, we do try to bring some clarity to peoples minds, because in today's market place choosing the right photographer can be a daunting task!

Here I think are the important elements that must be part of your decision process..

1. PRESENTATION - The first impression really matters! You will be spending most of your day in the company of your photographer/s so you want to feel comfortable with him/her/them. Your relatives and friends too will feel the presence of your photographers. Will they like them? Their management style and organised manner must be well practised and practically flawless. You want your day to be happy, and you will want your photographers to look happy too!

2. EXPERIENCE - With the huge upsurge in digital camera technology there is a growing number of new photographers entering the market. Everyone has to start somewhere and we all have to learn all of the technical and management skills necessary, but how can you be sure your photographer will deliver the service you expect?
Are the photographs displayed in the albums taken from actual current weddings or are they advertising samples? What cameras do they use, entry level DSLR's or the very latest HIGH ISO top range models that can take sharp pictures in a dark church!! It's worth asking the questions!

3. QUALITY - You want photographs that are outstandingly better than any of your family and friends might take.  Look at the arrangements of the groups, compositions and cropping and look for presence of unwanted lamp-posts, fire hydrants,  exit signs, and any other untidy distractions that could be removed.

3. COST - You may have a ceiling cost in mind, but many of the issues already discussed in terms of presentation and experience can often be reflected in the asking price, so its worth bearing that in mind. I think its fair not to expect 'the earth' if you are paying less than average to a part time non-professional.

So to recap...I would strongly advise taking a close look at the work of several photographers. The images should be strong and stand out from the pages. Look for light in the eyes and the general composition of each photograph. Are they the type of shots you want in your album?
Once you have decided who you want, then negotiate a price and not the other way around!

Wedding fairs are a great way for this kind of research so jump in at the deep end and ask lots of questions!

We can recommend Tankersley Manor as one of the good sources of suppliers in our area.
We enjoy wedding fayres as they not only put us in touch with new Bride & Grooms but also allow us to meet up with existing customers who have already chosen us as their photographers. Its a great opportunity to show any new wedding books we may have on display. Once we have a firm booking we keep in touch with you and keep you informed about any fayres we are doing during the season.

Tankersley Wedding Fayre was another successful day I'm sure for both brides and exhibitors. One particular stand I thought was worth a mention, positioned directly opposite our stand Casino Knights providing some light entertainment for your evening event. A little something different to make the evening go with a swing and their evening rates won't break the bank!

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